
venerdì 25 giugno 2021

Crea Alfabet Challenge 2021 : M

 Buon pomeriggio Amiche! 

Insieme al Gruppo di Crea Alfabet Challenge 2021 ,

organizzato dalle bravissime blogger Elizabeth e Marjan, 

sviluppiamo le idee sulla lettera :"M".


"M" come Margherite!! 

Questa volta non ho seguito uno schema, la tela era 

piccolina e io volevo realizzare un 'mini' pincushion.. 

Ho usato il moulinè DMC 522- 445- 3852-319 ad un filo. 

Il lavoro misura 5x3 cm. 

In questi giorni, la temperatura ha sfiorato, e forse 

superato i 45°...afa insopportabile durante il giorno e 

poco sollievo di sera. Mi distraggo con le mie crocette...


Volete vedere come le Amiche di 

Crea 2021 Alfabet Challenge , hanno interpretato 

il tema di oggi? Vi invito a visitare i loro Blog...

Serena Estate e Buona Creatività !! 

Un abbraccio, Carmela

11 commenti:

  1. It reminds me to that beautiful Italian song Margherita!
    I love this flower, in Dutch it is called Margriet.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. How horribly hot it is with you!
    I can imagine that not much gets out of your hands with such weather. All the more handsome that you embroidered those beautiful flowers!

  3. Wat a beautiful delicate stitched Margherite/Margriet you have made.

  4. Of course M is for Marguerites. Such gorgeous Summer flowers, and your embroidery really does them justice. I can't believe how hot it is over there. I think I've only experienced temperatures of +40°C in Belgium once, a couple of years ago, and found it quite unbearable. Do try and stay cool, Carmela xxx

  5. What a nice Margherite you have made.
    My second name is Marguerite, the French version. My grandmother had that name, she lived in Luxembourg.

  6. Prachtig zo klein en fijntjes geborduurd deze madeliefjes.
    Het is bij jullie qua temperatuur bijna niet uit te houden,
    en vooral ook omdat er in de avond nauwelijks verkoeling is.
    Wens je veel sterkte met de hitte.......

    Lieve groet,

  7. Wat een mooi borduurwerk en als er wat minder hitte is, kun je er alsnog een mooi speldenkussen van maken. Fijne zondag !

  8. Considero o trabalho de vocês uma verdadeira obra de arte. Parabéns por uma linda margarida.

  9. This is going to be a pretty pincushion!

  10. Wow, did you embroider the marguerites by heart? Without a scheme. Very nice. I hope the temperature is gowing down a little.
